Just, why?
In school, students are taught to always answer the two w’s: what and why. And as of right now, I am failing at what I have been told to do for the past 14 years. Instead of finding answers to my queries, I continue questioning possible reasons for why our world is at a crossroads with itself.
Everywhere I turn, I always return to the same predicament of why. Why is humanity incapable of peace? Why are countries at war with each other? Why is there a continued lack of respect, honesty, and integrity within society?
And if I may be so bold, I do not believe that an answer to why will ever be reached during my lifetime. We live in an era where the world’s why is nowhere to be found.
Just, for a moment, look at the United States. A nation that was created to strive for peace, unity, and freedom currently finds itself in a situation of division. From the way I see it, the United States is run by two colors: red or blue. There is no middle ground, and each color defines who we are and what we stand for. One is either Republican or Democrat instead of American. Party colors have ruined the very essence of this country, and it begs the question, who are we as a nation? More importantly, why do we continue to allow this division and competition to continue?
We, humans, are committing our own societal version of apoptosis. We are the sole reason for our destruction. Humans are what pollute the Earth. Humans are what inflict pain on each other. Humans are, or have become, incapable of doing what is right, not what is easy. We are our problem, and so I ask the following:
Try to be the person that stops another why of destruction from transpiring. Try to be the person that helps turns society toward a position where there is no need to wonder why the world is so convoluted.
Help bring an end to the war on why.