Let’s Talk About Texas….
Many of you have probably heard of the recent development regarding Texas abortion law. Texas ruled a new law that declared abortion illegal after six weeks of pregnancy. For some, this ban does not seem like a big deal. But for women, Texas’ law is a fearful prospect. In the same way that our fellow Americans rally to defend their second amendment rights, we should also rally together to support the rights of women. An abortion is not a simple decision; it requires careful consideration, but women are being restricted from making their own decisions. Women need time and Texas is taking away their freedom.
Most of us can agree that we are battling a pandemic, correct? Whether or not you believe in Covid-19 is a topic for another discussion; however, I would like to point out the controversy over masks and vaccines. By officials, we are told to “follow the science,” and in this particular case “the science” is pointing towards the use of masks and vaccines. Whether or not we believe in “the science” is up to each individual because in the United States we value the idea of freedom. In the United States, despite the majority of the world telling us masks and vaccines are the solution, citizens of this country have a choice to make their OWN decisions. Demonstrations across the country arose due to the possibility of “ federal and state mandates” as it is an “overreach of the government's power.” As soon as the mere idea of a restriction on the ability to choose came to limelight there was already a fight for the protection of liberty. Freedom, a sacred unalienable right given to us by our founding father, is what makes us uniquely American. The Revolutionary War was fought for freedom; it is a right worth fighting for until the end of time. Now, I want you to think about your own definition of freedom. Hopefully, your definition of freedom entails your own ability to a life in which you can fulfill the purpose of the Declaration of Independence’s “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Our entire country is created on the basis of FREEDOM but Texas is violating its very foundation. If we fought for our freedom to choose to refuse masks and vaccines, then why are we unable to do so with abortion. I see the government’s power as the following: if the government is unable to mandate masks and vaccines because of the “overreach of power” then this principle should equally apply to the banning of abortion. The government should not be involved in the decisions of its citizens because then it would be making the largest mistake that was feared by our founding fathers, restricting freedom.
Imagine having to listen to someone else for a decision that regards your own body. We are living in 2021 and not in Orwell's 1984. Texan women are being controlled by their government. Decisions, freedom, and liberty are all halted because of one dangerous law. When the debate about pro-life and pro-choice comes about, the often topic of discussion is based on the morals of the decision, which is often influenced by religion. For one second, ignore the religious aspect of abortion and analyze it through a non-biased legal matter. Imagine being forced by the government to submit to a law that prevents you from making your own decision. Would this not be a direct violation of our freedom? Would this not be a direct violation of our Fourteenth Amendment? Would this not be a direct violation of the government's power? My job is not to inform everyone about the Constitution nor the legal practices that have run this government. However, what I would like to enlighten everyone is the power of choice that we are all entitled to despite what a religion endorses. Women are not given a choice, they are being given an order.
The government both on the state and federal level can not make decisions for women and their bodies. A woman is the only person that should be able to make the decision about an abortion. It is dangerous that Texas' overreach is going unchecked. I understand that religion plays a role in forming one's character and morals; however, there needs to be a clear separation between Church and state. I am not saying that religion can not be involved in the governing process, but what I am alluding to is that decisions can not be made solely on the basis of religious ideals/morals. Religion can not control the lives of every single American; we need to make the choice to follow a creed or not. Freedom to choose must take precedence.
Texan leadership has promised to rid their states of rapists and I wholeheartedly agree with creating a safer environment. But logically speaking, how is the governor going to keep this promise? Will he be screening every single Texan for the possibility of them being rapists? Can he guarantee safety to all women? While his idea to get all the rapists off the streets of Texas seems magnificent, it is practically impossible. I am sure Governor Abott will try his hardest but it will ultimately fail. Texas does not have the resources to document, investigate, and process all rapists. Women can not just depend on Abbott's promise for protection and safety because it is unlikely to become a reality. The world will never be perfect; there will always be people who will do wrong. There will always be rapists and the victims that they will leave behind.
Whether or not you believe in abortion is your choice, but I would like all of you to understand the moral, ethical, and legal repercussions of the Texas’ law. Think of the law from the legal lens and not a religious standpoint. Imagine having your rights taken away. Imagine being unable to choose. Imagine being restricted. Texas is not a version of America that I want to live in. The government can not be Big Brother. But most importantly, think about your freedom.
Photo Credit: Evan L’Roy