

Opinion Piece: February 9, 2021

Some of us may ask ourselves, why does Trump need to be impeached? The answer is simple; justice needs to be served. Let's think of impeachment as the ultimate check on the Executive Branch.

Ask yourselves the following question: if I committed a crime, would I face any consequences. Yes, most likely, you would face ramifications because you knowingly chose to commit a crime. This same principle applies to the executive branch. If a President committed a crime, consequences should always follow. It is essential to understand that being President does not give anyone the authority to be above the law. In the United States, there is only one version of the law, and it applies to everyone. Impeachment is the only way to hold a President accountable for crimes that he/she committed.

What happened on January 6th will haunt us for the rest of our lives. The world witnessed the attack not only on our Capitol but also on our Constitution. As Americans, we pride ourselves on the excellence of our republic and Constitution, but some of us chose to undermine its authority.

It is undeniable that the President incited this violence; his words, actions, and demeanor about the election's integrity all led up to the attack. A President, the free world leader, is meant to unite our nation by promoting the importance of democracy. However, this was not the message echoed during the Trump administration, especially during his final days in office.

All of the lies that had been circulating over the past four years reached their peak during the attack. Our Capitol, a symbol of our republic and democracy, was breached. Instead of immediately condemning the violence, Trump continued to encourage his community of followers. When he was sworn in as President, he promised to "preserve, protect, and defend the United States Constitution." He did neither. Once again, we saw the President's inability to lead a nation in crisis.

Yes, impeaching a President while we are a divided nation may not lead to unity, but it will set a precedent. Acquitting Trump will send a message of weakness to those in the United States and around the world. We need to prove to the world that justice in America is possible. Moreover, the impeachment trial of President Trump will define the future of America and the executive branch.

- Note from after of the impeachment trial.

It is unfortunate that former President Trump was not found guilty for the crimes he committed. While his actions were condemned by Senate Minority leader McConnell, the majority of Republicans, with the exception of a few, chose to once again acquit Trump.


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